THE CODE FOR: Memory Game
* Create a list that holds all of your cards
// Initializing array cardClass to store the values of the icon classes
var cardClass = ["fa fa-diamond", "fa fa-paper-plane-o",
"fa fa-anchor", "fa fa-bolt",
"fa fa-cube", "fa fa-leaf",
"fa fa-bicycle", "fa fa-bomb"
cardClass = cardClass.concat(cardClass);
//openCards is where the value of the opened cards are stored
let openCards = [];
//mouseEvent stores the value of the first and second clicked element
let mouseEvent = [];
//moveCounter tracks how many moves the player have done
let moveCounter = 0;
//matchedCards tracks how many matches there are already
let matchedCards = 0;
//player starting star count
let starCount = 5;
//lockboard variable will lock the board to prevent clicking more than two
let lockboard = false;
//active is a bollean variable to keep track of the time
var active = false;
function initializeDeck() {
active = false;
moveCounter = 0;
starCount = 5;
matchedCards = 0;
//assigning shuffled cardClass array into the same array
cardClass = shuffle(cardClass);
//selecting the deck class and assigning it to deck object
var deck = document.querySelector(".deck");
//assign card class to cards
var cards = document.querySelectorAll(".card");
//selecting all elements in the "deck" div class and assigning it to icons NodeList
var icons = deck.querySelectorAll("i");
//assigning shuffled classes to i elements of the icons NodeList using a for loop
for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
icons[i].className = cardClass[i];
cards[i].className = "card";
// Shuffle function from
function shuffle(array) {
var copy = [],
n = array.length,
// While there remain elements to shuffle…
while (n) {
// Pick a remaining element…
i = Math.floor(Math.random() * n--);
// And move it to the new array.
copy.push(array.splice(i, 1)[0]);
return copy;
} //end initializeDeck
//Initiating event listener for the container class
var clickScreen = document.querySelector(".deck");
clickScreen.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
if (lockboard) return;
var clickRepeat = document.querySelector(".fa.fa-repeat");
clickRepeat.addEventListener('click', function () {
//function checkClass accepts a mouse event argument and checks what class was clicked by the user.
function checkClass(clicked) {
//assigning the name of the class to the classclicked string
const classClicked =;
//calls movesCount where it display the moveCounter to the HTML
//checks if the card that was clicked is a class of card
if ( === "card") {
//starts the timer
if (!active) {
active = true;
//checking if class of card clicked is not the same as the initial card
if (classClicked !== openCards[0]) {
//calls showCard to flip card
showCard(clicked, classClicked);
//checking if there are already two opened cards
if (openCards.length === 2) {
//calling hideCards to hide the pair of cards
} else if (classClicked === openCards[0]) {
//calls cardMatch function to flip cards to match
if (matchedCards === 8) {
var time = document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML;
} //end checkClass function
//flip cards that matched and let it stay flipped
function cardMatch(clicked) {
//sets class of card to match = "card match";
mouseEvent[0].className = "card match";
openCards = [];
mouseEvent = [];
} //end cardMatch function
//show cards that are clicked
function showCard(clicked, classClicked) { = "card open show";
console.log(clicked, classClicked);
} //end showCard function
//hide cards after clicking two dissimilar cards
function hideCards() {
lockboard = true;
setTimeout(function () {
mouseEvent[0].className = "card";
mouseEvent[1].className = "card";
mouseEvent = [];
openCards = [];
lockboard = false;
//reduce star on move 10, 15, 20, 25
if (moveCounter === 10 || moveCounter === 15 || moveCounter === 20 || moveCounter === 25) reduceStar();
}, 1000);
} //end hideCards function
///counts the moves that the player has
function movesCount(moveCounter) {
document.querySelector('.moves').innerHTML = moveCounter;
} //end movesCount
//reduce the stars the player has
function reduceStar() {
let star = document.querySelectorAll(".fa.fa-star");
star[star.length - 1].className = "fa fa-star-o";
//player finished the game
function gameFinish(time) {
setTimeout(function () {
var gameReset = confirm("Congratulations!\nYou have made " + moveCounter + " moves" +
"\nYour Score is: " + starCount + " stars, and your time is: " + time +
"\nPress OK to play again!!!");
if (gameReset) location.reload();
}, 1000);
//startTimer is a function that
function startTimer() {
if (active) {
var timer = document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML;
//split the time to two arrays
var time = timer.split(":");
var minutes = time[0];
var seconds = time[1];
if (seconds == 59) {
seconds = "00";
if (minutes < 10) minutes = "0" + minutes;
} else {
if (seconds < 10) seconds = "0" + seconds;
//update HTML timer ID on
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = minutes + ":" + seconds;
setTimeout(startTimer, 1000);
function resetTimer() {
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = " 00:00";
function setStars() {
var initialStar = document.querySelector(".stars");
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var newStar = document.createElement("li");
newStar.className = "fa fa-star";
The code is structured in two functions
Gets values from the user.
Displays the items on the page.